Welcome to Embrace French au Québec’s blog!
Since this is the very first article, I’m going to take a moment to explain what you can expect on this blog and how we are going to learn Quebec French together.
Let’s learn French together
I know, I know: French is much harder to learn than other languages like English. And that’s why I’m committed to teaching it to you with a minimum of by heart memorisation and a maximum of fun and motivation.
Embrace French au Québec will teach you standard French, all with a Quebec accent. This makes for a fairly complete program ranging from the unique expressions of Quebec to the (too many) grammar rules, and all the exceptions of this language that I deeply adore.
The difficulties of learning French
Every language has its own learning difficulties and challenges. But as an English speaker learning French, here are the main difficulties you will encounter:
Pronunciation: Many sounds and/or sound combinations simply don’t exist in English… but if I could master « th » in English, trust me, anything is possible for you 😀
Grammar: Well, okay, on this point, I’ll give it to you, nothing is easy; even for us native French speakers. French grammar is very complex and full of exceptions and you’ll see, sometimes it feels like the rules come out of a box of Cracker Jack. However, with my method, one verb at a time, it will become a breeze for you.
Vocabulary: As you probably already know, French is a very precise language and therefore has a lot of vocabulary. Also, as in English, the meaning of words can depend on the context. But don’t worry, we will build your vocabulary faster than you think.
Spelling: Would you believe me if I told you that even I sometimes hesitate about the spelling of certain words? French has many silent letters and at first glance, you might think that writing correctly in French will be an insurmountable challenge, but it’s not. I will share all my tips with you!
Listening comprehension: I plead guilty on behalf of all French speakers; we speak very quickly! We will start slowly to practice your language skills and gradually adopt a more « natural » speed. I will even show you how to understand the person talking to you without understanding every word he/she uses.
Expressions (and culture): Each language and each region has its own expressions which often tell about history or a piece of culture. Quebec expressions are particularly colorful and creative, and are used very frequently. Not only will I teach you many of them, but I will explain their origins and it will be a little immersion in our culture.
And how will we learn all this?
I told you, I even promised you: it will be fun and it will keep your motivation at its maximum. To learn a language, you have to immerse yourself, think about it and practice it a little bit every day. Your brain has to learn to think in French.
6 months – 26 challenges
To do this, I propose one challenge per week for the next six months! One concept per challenge that will appeal to all levels.
If you are a beginner, challenges will introduce you to a new French concept.
If you are at the intermediate level, this will be an opportunity to master this concept completely.
If you are at the advanced level, take the opportunity to review… in case you forgot 😉
Are you ready?
So, what are we waiting for to start?
The first challenge will be available in a week, but the best way to avoid missing any of them is to subscribe to our newsletter, the next challenges will arrive directly in your email box.
*If you are an intermediate or an expert, you should know that all the articles of this blog are offered in English and in French. I suggest you do a first reading in French, then a rereading in English and evaluate the percentage of your understanding. You’ll see, with each article, you’ll learn new words.