How do you choose between « nous » and « on »?

Challenge #5

I think explaining the difference between « nous » and « on » is one of the top 5 questions I get asked about French.

Unfortunately, I have noticed that most of the time, people have had an explanation that is too brief, too simplistic, so they are a bit lost with this concept.

Much like the difference between « tu » and « vous », we can quickly realize that the explanations needed to master these two pronouns go beyond a simple sentence.

Challenges Embrace French au Québec

Welcome to Embrace French au Québec’s blog!

Welcome to Embrace French au Québec

Since this is the very first article, I’m going to take a moment to explain what you can expect on this blog and how we are going to learn Quebec French together.

Let’s learn French together

I know, I know: French is much harder to learn than other languages like English. And that’s why I’m committed to teaching it to you with a minimum of by heart memorisation and a maximum of fun and motivation.

Embrace French au Québec will teach you standard French, all with a Quebec accent. This makes for a fairly complete program ranging from the unique expressions of Quebec to the (too many) grammar rules, and all the exceptions of this language that I deeply adore.
